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Rheumatoid arthrits is an inflammatory disorder that adversely affects the joints in your hands and feet. The disease affects the lining of your joints causing a painful swelling that may eventually lead to bone erosion and deformity. Rheumatoid arthritis may some times affect other vital organs of the body such as skin, eyes, lungs and blood vessels.

Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune disease, which means that disease results from your immune system attacking your own body tissues.rheumatoid-arthritis

As rheumatoid arthritis can affect multiple organs of the body, this condition is referred as a systematic illness and it is sometimes called a rheumatic disease that has the potential to cause functional disability.

In the Ayurveda texts, rheumatoid arthritis is described as “ Ama Vata”. It says that if the “ama vata” gets aggravated, it becomes most difficult disease.

Ayurveda recommends following treatments for Amavata (Rheumatoid Arhritis)

  1. Langhanam (Fasting)
  2. Sodhana Chikitsa (Body purification)
  3. Shamana chikitsa (Symptom relief treatments


Acidity refers to a set of symptoms caused by an imbalance between the acid secreting mechanism of the stomach and proximal intestine and the protective mechanisms that ensure their safety. The stomach normally secretes acid that is essential in the digestive process. This acid helps in breaking down the food during digestion. When there is excess production of acid by the gastric glands of the stomach, it results in the condition known as acidity.

Causes of acidity:

The stomach, intestines, and digestive glands secrete hydrochloric acid and various enzymes, including pepsin that break down and digest food. The stomach must also be protected from the same acid and enzymes, or it too can be attacked by the gastric juices. The acid may enter the lower part of the Oesophagus (Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux), due to some weakness in the normal sphincter mechanism that prevents such reflux. This causes heartburn. It commonly occurs after meals and is brought on by excess intra-abdominal pressure like lifting weights or straining.


In Ayurveda Asthma is Known as ShwasRoga ., Asthma is a chronic condition involving the respiratory system in which one experiences shortness of breath.

The symptoms of asthma include wheezing, coughing, chest tightness and shortness of breath. The coughing usually occurs at night time or early in the morning.

Constant exposure to allergens into our daily life is the major cause of Asthma. Industrialisation and urbanization are the provoking factors for it. The disease is often aggravated by non-specific factors such as cold climate, dust, tobacco smoke, acrid fumes, respiratory viral infection and emotional stress.Asthma

Asthma affects people in all age groups, but it most often starts during childhood.

Asthma can be managed with a holistic approach with Ayurveda, strict diet and yoga.


Cervical spondylosis is degeneration of the verbae and discs in the neck. Abnormal growths or spurs on the bones of the spine can also end up with cervical spondylosis . The condition may lead to chronic neck pain.Cervical spondylosis is also known as Arthritis of the neck.

In severe cases the degeneration of the neck may result in irritation and extra pressure on the spinal nerve roots or spinal cord. It can cause arm or leg symptoms.Cervical-Spondylosis

Pain in the neck, arms and shoulder and stiffness of the neck are the common symptoms of cervical spondylosis. The movement of the spine usually increases the pain of the nick. Cervical Spondylosis is often associated with loss of memory and sleeplessnes.

Factors, conditions or habits that make a person more likely to develop cervical spondylosis

  1. An overweight person with no much activity
  2. People who are are involved in jobs that requires heavy lifting or a lot of bending and twisting
  3. Peope who have a past neck injury
  4. People who have a past spine injury
  5. Slipped dick


Bronchitis is a respiratory disease in which the mucus membrane in the lungs' bronchial passages becomes inflamed.

As the irritated membrane swells and grows thicker, it narrows or shuts off the tiny airways in the lungs, resulting in coughing spells that may be accompanied by phlegm and breathlessness.

The disease comes in two forms: acute (lasting from one to three weeks) and chronic (lasting at least 3 months of the year for two years in a row).

People with asthma may also have asthmatic bronchitis, inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes.

Acute bronchitis may be responsible for the hacking cough and phlegm production that sometime accompany an upper respiratory infection. In most cases, the infection is viral in origin, but sometimes it's caused by bacteria.


Constipation refers to bowel movements that are infrequent or hard to pass.Constipation is a common cause of painful defecation. Severe constipation includes obstipation (failure to pass stools or gas) and fecal impaction, which can progress to bowel obstruction and become life-threatening.

Constipation is a symptom with many causes. These causes are of two types: obstructed defecation and colonic slow transit (or hypomobility). About 50 percent of people evaluated for constipation at tertiary referral hospitals have obstructed defecation.This type of constipation has mechanical and functional causes. Causes of colonic slow transit constipation include diet, hormonal disorders such as hypothyroidism, side effects of medications, and rarely heavy metal toxicity. Because constipation is a symptom, not a disease, effective treatment of constipation may require first determining the cause. Treatments include changes in dietary habits, laxatives, enemas, biofeedback, and in particular situations surgery may be required.


Depression is a word that is commonly misused to describe a variety of conditions. Depression is a series of chemical imbalances that create a clinical illness that has strong links with anxiety disorders and can be a side effect of them. Anxiety has many features of depression and can mimic it quite strongly

To perform well or to achieve a goal, one needs a moderate amount of anxiety to anticipate and apprehend the consequence of a decision or behavior. But when a person is unable to cope up with this stress it leads to a feeling of incompetence to accomplish the desired goal and leads to an intense disagreeable state, associated with an undefined threat to one‘s physical and psychological self. Subjectively patient use words such as tense, panicky, terrified, jittery, nervous, wound up, and apprehensive.

In the first chapter of Bhagwad Gita named as ‗ArjunaVishaada Yoga‘, when Arjuna sees most of his relatives, friends and elders lined opposite to him in war he develops Vishaada which is specified by the Vishidayantee process. Due to this Vishaada he develops certain symptoms presented below which are quite similar to symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder. As a result of this disorder he develops dejection and flight reaction. For which Lord Krishna begins psychological counseling and clears his misconcepts one by one. 

At Avedna Ayurveda, we understands the deep cause of the problem then treat them according to body constitution and imbalances going on in the body, we give various herbal vata balancing herbs which are mood elevators as well like brahmi, Tagar, Jatamansi, Saraswat in the form of tablets or powders and do therapies like Shirodhara, TAkradhara, talapoluchiutum, shiroabhyanga, and panchkarma.


Hair loss, also known as alopecia or baldness, refers to a loss of hair from the head or body. Baldness can refer to general hair loss or male pattern hair loss.

Hair loss and hypotrichosis have many causes including androgenetic alopecia, fungal infection, trauma (e.g., due to (trichotillomania), radiotherapy, chemotherapy, nutritional deficiencies (e.g., iron deficiency), and autoimmune diseases (e.g., alopecia areata).Hair loss severity occurs across a spectrum with extreme examples including alopecia totalis (total loss of hair on the head) and alopecia universalis (total loss of all hair on the head and body).


Headache, also known as cephalalgia, is the symptom of pain anywhere in the region of the head or neck. It occurs in migraines, tension-type headaches, and cluster headaches.Frequent headaches can affect relationships and employment. There is also an increased risk of depression in those with severe headaches.

Headaches can occur as a result of many conditions whether serious or not. There are a number of different classification systems for headaches. The most well-recognized is that of the International Headache Society. Causes of headaches may include fatigue, sleep deprivation, stress, the effects of medications, the effects of recreational drugs, viral infections, common colds, head injury, rapid ingestion of a very cold food or beverage,and dental or sinus issues.


Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a group of symptoms—including abdominal pain and changes in the pattern of bowel movements without any evidence of underlying damage.These symptoms occur over a long time, often years.It has been classified into four main types depending on if diarrhea is common, constipation is common, both are common, or neither occurs very often (IBS-D, IBS-C, IBS-M, or IBS-U respectively).[1] IBS negatively affects quality of life and may result in missed school or work.Disorders such as anxiety, major depression, and chronic fatigue syndrome, are common among people with IBS.
The causes of IBS are not clear.Theories include gut–brain axis problems, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, genetic factors, food sensitivity, and gut motility problems. Onset may be triggered by an intestinal infection, or stressful life event.IBS is a functional gastrointestinal disorder. Diagnosis is based on signs and symptoms in the absence of worrisome features.Worrisome features include onset at greater than 50 years of age, weight loss, blood in the stool, or a family history of inflammatory bowel disease.Other conditions that may present similarly include celiac disease, microscopic colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, bile acid malabsorption, and colon cancer.


Leukorrhea or (leucorrhoea British English) is a thick, whitish or yellowish vaginal discharge.There are many causes of leukorrhea, the usual one being estrogen imbalance.[citation needed] The amount of discharge may increase due to vaginal infection or STDs, and also it may disappear and reappear from time to time, this discharge can keep occurring for years in which case it becomes more yellow and foul-smelling; it is usually a non-pathological symptom secondary to inflammatory conditions of vagina or cervix.

Leukorrhea can be confirmed by finding 10 WBC under a microscope when examining vaginal fluid.

Vaginal discharge is not abnormal, and causes of change in discharge include infection, malignancy, and hormonal changes. It sometimes occurs before a girl has her first period, and is considered a sign of puberty.


Migraine is the frequent headaches felt as a throbbing or pulsing pain at the front or side of the head. Migraine patients are often very sensitive to light and sound. It can also cause vomiting and nausea. Migraine is thrice common in women than men.

Factors such as anxiety, stress, lack of food or sleep, exposure to light and hormonal changes (in women) can trigger a migraine.

Although the exact cause of migraine is not known, it is believed widely that disease is caused as the result of temporary changes in the chemicals and blood vessels in the brain.

Migraine can adversely affect your quality of life and it may also prevent you from performing daily activities.

A strict dietary habits would help a person to maintain good health and offer immunity from persistent headaches. Certain yoga treatments and pachakarma therapy are also effective methods to treat migraine in Ayurveda.”Suvarna sutashkhara ras” is the most common Ayurvedic medicine prescribed for migraine treatment.


A menstrual disorder is an abnormal condition in a woman's menstrual cycle.Disorders of ovulation include oligoovulation and anovulation:
Oligoovulation is infrequent or irregular ovulation (usually defined as cycles of ≥36 days or <8 cycles a year)
Anovulation is absence of ovulation when it would be normally expected (in a post-menarchal, premenopausal woman). Anovulation usually manifests itself as irregularity of menstrual periods, that is, unpredictable variability of intervals, duration, or bleeding. Anovulation can also cause cessation of periods (secondary amenorrhea) or excessive bleeding (dysfunctional uterine bleeding).
Polymenorrhea is the medical term for cycles with intervals of 21 days or fewer.
Irregular menstruation is where there is variation in menstrual cycle length of more than approximately eight days for a woman. The term metrorrhagia is often used for irregular menstruation that occurs between the expected menstrual periods.
Oligomenorrhea is the medical term for infrequent, often light menstrual periods (intervals exceeding 35 days).
Amenorrhea is the absence of a menstrual period in a woman of reproductive age. Physiologic states of amenorrhoea are seen during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding). Outside of the reproductive years there is absence of menses during childhood and after menopause.


Paralysis is loss of muscle function for one or more muscles. Paralysis can be accompanied by a loss of feeling (sensory loss) in the affected area if there is sensory damage as well as motor. About 1 in 50 people have been diagnosed with some form of paralysis, transient or permanent.

Paralysis is most often caused by damage in the nervous system, especially the spinal cord. Other major causes are stroke, trauma with nerve injury, poliomyelitis, cerebral palsy, peripheral neuropathy, Parkinson's disease, ALS, botulism, spina bifida, multiple sclerosis, and Guillain-Barré syndrome. Temporary paralysis occurs during REM sleep, and dysregulation of this system can lead to episodes of waking paralysis. Drugs that interfere with nerve function, such as curare, can also cause paralysis.


Polycystic ovary syndrome refers to a common hormonal disorder among women of the reproductive age. Irregular menstrual periods, excess hair growth , acne and obesity can all occur in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. The disease common among women between 15 to 30 years of age.

PCOS may cause deformity in women and it may lead PCOSto self image problems. If not treated at the right time, it can lead to serious health problems such as diabetes and heart disease. 

The definite cause of PCOS is uncertain. PCOS are common among sisters or a mother and daughter, but a definite genetic link has not been found.

The main symptoms of PCOS are:

  1. PCOD and gynecological disorders
  2. Menstrual disorders
  3. Infertility
  4. Metabolic syndrome


Rhinitis or coryza is irritation and inflammation of the mucous membrane inside the nose. Common symptoms are a stuffy nose, runny nose, sneezing, and post-nasal drip.

In rhinitis, the inflammation of the mucous membrane is caused by viruses, bacteria, irritants or allergens. The most common kind of rhinitis is allergic rhinitis, which is usually triggered by airborne allergens such as pollen and dander. Allergic rhinitis may cause additional symptoms, such as sneezing and nasal itching, coughing, headache,fatigue, malaise, and cognitive impairment.The allergens may also affect the eyes, causing watery, reddened, or itchy eyes and puffiness around the eyes.The inflammation results in the generation of large amounts of mucus, commonly producing a runny nose, as well as a stuffy nose and post-nasal drip. In the case of allergic rhinitis, the inflammation is caused by the degranulation of mast cells in the nose. When mast cells degranulate, they release histamine and other chemicals,starting an inflammatory process that can cause symptoms outside the nose, such as fatigue and malaise. In the case of infectious rhinitis, it may occasionally lead to pneumonia, either viral pneumonia or bacterial pneumonia. Sneezing also occurs in infectious rhinitis to expel bacteria and viruses from the respiratory system.


The disc are natural protective shock absorbing pads between the bones and spine. These discs are filled with a jelly-like substance which cushion the vetebrae and keep them intact. An injury or weakness can cause disc to fail, allowing the gel to escape into the surrounding tissue. The disC loses their cushion ability and it may lead to severe back pain and pain in the other areas of the body. This condition is also called a hemiated, ruptured, prolaspesed or a slipped disc. Back pain and sciatica are the two main symptoms of slip disc.

The average ages of onset of slip disc are between the ages of 30 and 50 because the elasticity and water content of the nucleus decreases with age. But latest statistics show that people around the age of 20-30 are also affected with the slip disc because of their lifestyle, stress and food habits.


A sleep disorder, or somnipathy, is a medical disorder of the sleep patterns of a person or animal. Some sleep disorders are serious enough to interfere with normal physical, mental, social and emotional functioning. Polysomnography and actigraphy are tests commonly ordered for some sleep disorders.

Disruptions in sleep can be caused by a variety of issues, from teeth grinding (bruxism) to night terrors. When a person suffers from difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep with no obvious cause, it is referred to as insomnia.

Sleep disorders are broadly classified into dyssomnias, parasomnias, circadian rhythm sleep disorders involving the timing of sleep, and other disorders including ones caused by medical or psychological conditions and sleeping sickness. 


Sinusitis refers to a condition in which the sinusitiscavities around nasal passages (sinuses) become inflamed and swollen due to the infections caused from the pathogenic microorganism (virus, bacteria or fungi).

If you are suffering from sinusitis, you may find it difficult to breath your nose. You may also feel throbbing facial pair or a headache.

Sinusitis may occur under either of these conditions:

Small hairs inside the sinuses fail to eliminate mucus out of the nose. It may be due to some medical conditions.

Acute sinusitis and chronic sinusitis are are two types of sinusitis. The symptoms of acute sinusitis last for 4 weeks or less whereas symptoms of chronic sinusitis last for 3 months.

Symtoms of sinusitis include:

  1. Runny nose
  2. Sneezing
  3. Head ache
  4. Pain around face and eyes
  5. Fewer
  6. Breathing problems


Tonsillitis is inflammation of the tonsils most commonly caused by viral or bacterial infection. Symptoms may include sore throat and fever. When caused by a bacterium belonging to the group A streptococcus, it is typically referred to as strep throat. The overwhelming majority of people recover completely, with or without medication. In 40% of sufferers, symptoms will resolve in three days, and in 85%, symptoms will resolve within one week, regardless of whether streptococcal infection is present or not.

Common signs and symptoms include:

  1. sore throat
  2. red, swollen tonsils
  3. pain when swallowing
  4. high temperature (fever)
  5. coughing
  6. headache


Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have a negative effect on health.People are generally considered obese when their body mass index (BMI), a measurement obtained by dividing a person's weight by the square of the person's height, is over 30 kg/m2, with the range 25–30 kg/m2 defined as overweight.Some East Asian countries use lower values.Obesity increases the likelihood of various diseases, particularly heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, certain types of cancer, and osteoarthritis.Obesity is most commonly caused by a combination of excessive food intake, lack of physical activity, and genetic susceptibility.A few cases are caused primarily by genes, endocrine disorders, medications, or mental illness.Evidence to support the view that obese people eat little yet gain weight due to a slow metabolism is not generally supported.On average, obese people have a greater energy expenditure than their thin counterparts due to the energy required to maintain an increased body mass.

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